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Friday, October 7, 2011

How to get more trafic to your site? let us see come

In this tutorial I am going to tell you how to bring a good volume of traffic to your site. Before I proceed I clearly states that every thing will be in short. Also I want to request you to stop reading this article if you are not going to follow the steps given in this article as I don't want you to waste your time. What ever I am going to tell you is self experimented and assure you that if you follow these tips, definitely you will be rewarded with a lot of traffic.

So let's start:
First let me tell you about types of traffic. Broadly there are two types of traffic :
  1. Organic traffic (free traffic)
  2. Inorganic traffic (Paid traffic)
Since this tutorial is prepared keeping in mind that beginners do not have good budget to invest in. So here we will talk about organic traffic, i.e only free traffic. Search engines are the main source of organic traffic.So in order to gain organic traffic you need to be ranked good at reputed search engines like gogle, yahoo, bing and others. Search engines are the biggest source of free traffic. If you earn a good search engine ranking, it will be a lot easy to get your site popular and henceforth more earning. So, to get a good search engine ranking you need to follow some search engine optimization tips. Remember, search engine optimization (SEO) is not about cheating search engines. It is basically a technique to make your content optimized for good user experience. Though there are many SEO tips.

But some simple and more focusing tips are :

  • For every topic, there should be a good quality of content. Your page should not look empty any where. It should contain valuable information.
  • Remember the most important tip. Your content should be unique. This means that your content should not be copied from any where on the web. Search engines are smart enough to catch you. Don't ever try to cheat them. Bottom line is : Content is king.
  • Try to get backlinks to your site. You might be thinking what are backlinks ? Backlinks are the direct links available in other sites which when clicked, brings the user to your site. But getting backlinks is very studious task. You can get backlink only when other webmaster reads your content and finds it suitable to be placed at his own site, but for that too your content should be of high quality.
  • As told in previous point that getting back links is slightly difficult. But the concept of interlinking your own content is not a bad idea. For example if you discuss about any particular topic in your article, then try to link your article to some already published article. This also helps in good search engine ranking.
Let me give you example for this point. Suppose I am discussing about "How to get your adsense account approved".
Then I will try to link the content of this post to my other posts in best possible ways as follows:

Every one wants to get his or her Adsense account approved. But how to do so ? To answer this ques..................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................ and so on.

See the strategy used in above example. I have tried to link this content to my one of the post, "what is Adsense ?" by giving link to the word "Adsense". This is just a mere example. Try to be as creative as possible.
  • When ever you give a link to any content, please ensure that the link title should be appropriate. For example. In one of my post I want to give information on "How to get your google adsense account approved" Then there are two ways to give the link :
Here the second method is the best one to interlink your content. The logic behind this is that when search engine will index your page, it will also see the link you shared. If you linked to the content by writing click here then the search engine will think that this content is linked to the topic named "click here". On the other hand if you interlink your content by writing How to get your Adsense account approved, then the search engine will think that this post is linked to the topic named "How to get your Adsense account approved" . As a result when ever some one search for the topic like above, it will show your page as, it contains the exact link required by the user. I hope you got, what I wanted to say.


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