There is one traditional method of getting approved google adsense account. In this method people generally create blogs. They maintain it, work hard on it. The basic requirement is that what you have to take care of ? You need to ensure that you maintain quality posts as well as not copied from any other site. Though this is a little bit difficult to get your adsense account approved through this method, but if you work sincerely over this, you will get success.
Follow these tips if you apply for adsense through this method :
- Write good quality content to your blog.
- Ensure that your content is not copied from or by other sites. It will give a negative feedback about you to google.
- Remember to have atleast 50 posts, before applying for adsense.
- There should be least or no errors (grammatical or spellings) in your posts.
- Keep your profile up to date, with each information correct and rellevant.
The reason why I am forcing you to signup for adsense through this site is because :
- There are 90 % chances that your application will be approved.
- The adsense account on approval will lead you getting cash credits through this site.
- You will be given 90 % revenue share on all your posts(whatever you posted in this site) for the period of one year.
- Not only this, what ever article or resource you write, you will be given cash credits depending on the quality of your posts from this site.
So I request you to apply for adsense through this site rather than wasting your time on blogs for trying your luck.
So by now if you think to do so, then first you have to register at this site and then apply for adsense through this site.